TEAM BUILDING – Peyush Bhatia

Navigate through the challenges of developing a successful team to bring together a group of high-performing individuals. Nurture their talent, resolve conflicts, build trust and create an environment for well-rounded success.

  • ► Is your team incompetent to handle tough challenges?
  • ► Do you experience frequent trust issues between teammates?
  • ► Finding it tough to focus on and manage multiple teams at once?
  • ► Unable to strike the right balance between skills and responsibility?
  • ► Stuck in a situation where the team refuses to co-function?
  • ► Are your team members low on confidence and motivation?
  • ► Unable to harness individual talent to meet the collective organizational goal?

Enroll for our program and see immediate changes in your ability to overcome the above challenges.

Program Objective

  • ► Assess your team’s current culture and develop a strategy to improve it and drive better relationships.
  • ► Gather an insight into how individuals affect their teammates and use it to create better opportunities for improvement.
  • ► Develop a platform to nurture individual talents and cope up with challenges, in order to achieve higher personal and professional growth.
  • ► Learn to co-create a collaborative atmosphere filled with energy and excitement to make work more fun.
  • ► Become more focused on individual and organizational goals and transpire into a high-performing team.
  • ► Work through conflicts and obstacles to emerge stronger.
  • ► Bring greater accountability in the system through creativity, innovation and improvement in processes.
  • ► Enjoy higher levels of unity, bonding and seamless flow of communication between teammates.